Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren E-Mail Account, um die Anmeldung abzuschliessen. 2020 1 Jahr. Headquartered in Bern-Liebefeld, Agroscope is attached to the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and … Angesiedelt ist Agroscope beim Eidg. Phone +41 58 468 74 13. Agroscope ist das Kompetenzzentrum des Bundes für die Forschung in der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Zurich is abuzz with activity day and night with its countless events, diverse museums, own food festival and Switzerland’s most vibrant nightlife. Forage Production and Grassland Systems Agroscope-ID: 5135 Copy Link Sending by e-mail. Manuel K. Schneider. Agroscope is the Swiss Confederation’s centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture, which in turn is subordinate to the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research. Hauptsitz ist Bern-Liebefeld. URL for direct access. Mit dem Absenden des Formulars erklären Sie sich mit unseren AGB und der Daten­schutz­erklärung einverstanden. Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz - Tänikon ART Address: Reckenholzstrasse 191, CH-8046 Zürich, Switzerland Tel. Agroscope is the Swiss federal centre of excellence for research in the agriculture and food sector. Duration: two years. Agroscope has outlined 17 strategic research fields for the research and development activities. According to Article 113ff of the Law on Agriculture, the Swiss Confederation supports the agricultural sector in its efforts to produce in a streamlined and sustainable fashion by developing and transmitting knowledge. Agroscope researchers have shown that in extensive cultivation systems, significantly more carbon enters the soil via plant roots than previously assumed. Loop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Location Reckenholz Agroscope (Wädenswil, Switzerland) Developing methods and data analysis workflows for proteogenomics approaches. Topic-related research across the different sites is of crucial importance here. Its goals are a competitive and multifunctional agricultural sector, high-quality food for a healthy diet, and an intact environment. Closing Date: 14 April 2018. Armin Keller. Agroscope-ID: 5082 Copy Link Sending by e-mail. 44 en parlent. As the harmful Japanese beetle has now become established in Sottoceneri (canton of Ticino), the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture has ordered containment measures. Switzerland. Agroscope is the Swiss federal centre of excellence for research in the agriculture and food sector. Agroscope. Its researchers carry out their work at a number of sites in Switzerland. Agroscope makes an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and food sector as well as to an intact environment, thereby contributing to an improved quality of life., FDFA: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, FDJP: Federal Department of Justice and Police, DDPS: Federal Department of Defence Civil Protection and Sport, EAER: Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, DETEC: Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, SECO: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, FONES: Federal Office for National Economic Supply, CTI: Commission for Technology and Innovation, Maize Cultivation: Maps of Accumulated Temperatures Support the Choice of Varieties, The Greenhouse Gas Inventory Is Optimised, Urgent Measures for Controlling Japanese Beetle, Controlling Yellow Nutsedge with Free-Range Pigs, Second Edition of Cider Varieties Guide Now Online, Generous Sizing of Cubicles for Dairy Cows. Agroscope, Posieux. Andreas Lüscher. If the PDF of the publication is freely available, it can be downloaded. Maize is one of the most important crops in Switzerland. The purpose of Agroscope is the precise view on agriculture: The name is composed of the Greek words «agrós» (field) and «skopein» (to consider, to observe). 3 Jahre und 7 Monate, Nov. 2011 - Mai 2015 . Aktivieren. ‘Above‐ and belowground biodiversity for sustainable ecosystems’ Symposium, held at Agroscope Reckenholz, Zurich, Switzerland, 14–15 November 2019 Increasing evidence highlights the importance of biodiversity for the supply of ecosystem services and stability, making the ongoing loss of species a global concern (IPBES, 2019). 2021 am Standort Reckenholz in Zusammenarbeit mit der Eidgenössischen Zollverwaltung (EZV) und dem Branchenverband «Die Schweizer Brenner» eine Informationstagung für die Brennereibranche, Berater und … agroscope will be published several times a year, and feature highlights from Agroscope research. It’s quick and easy to apply online for any of the 52 featured Agroscope jobs. Prof. Dr. Research Group. Agroscope. Top of page . Agroscope on JobScout24. Ricerca svizzera per l'agricoltura, l'alimentazione e l'ambiente. Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Otherwise, the publication reference will inform you of where the paper was published. New-builds must therefore be proactively geared to the future body size of cows. ETH Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland) Interdisciplinary combination … Variety selection and site adaptation play a crucial role in maize cultivation in a changing climate. Our research bridges “Agroecology” and “Plant-Microbiome-Interactions”. Die Forschenden üben ihre Tätigkeiten an verschiedenen Standorten in der Schweiz aus. Isabella Hilber Schöb. Access Map Car Reckenholz (PDF, 38 kB, 18.01.2016) Access Map Train Reckenholz (PDF, 111 kB, 18.01.2016) Train Station Zurich-Oerlikon ART Shuttle Bus Service (only available if mentioned) (PDF, 63 kB, 27.05.2016) Reckenholz Google Maps. Affiliations 1 Centre for Proper Housing of Ruminants and Pigs, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO, Agroscope Tänikon, 8356 Ettenhausen, Switzerland; ETH Zürich, Ethology and Animal Welfare Unit, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland. E-Mail: . Information about Agroscope Agroscope is an innovative research institute for agriculture and nutrition run according to the principles of New Public Management. Agroscope Reckenholzstrasse 191 8046 Zürich Switzerland Phone +41 58 468 72 07 E-Mail. Its researchers carry out their work at a number of sites in Switzerland. The first IFOAM scientific conference on organic agriculture was organised by FiBL in 1977 in Sissach, in the northwestern part of the country. Agroscope is responsible for the following tasks: Agroscope is characterised by its combination of research, policy advice, enforcement, knowledge exchange and technology transfer, as well as by its coupling of application-oriented basic research and practical relevance. Agroscope makes an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and food sector as well as to an intact environment, thereby contributing to an improved quality of life. Position: Scientific officer / Scientific assistant. * Mueller G, Landau Luescher I, Schmidt M (2011) New data on the incidence of household arthropod pests and new invasive pests in Zürich (Switzerland). Brennerei-Tagung Agroscope im Hybrid-Format. Reckenholzstrasse 191. Our free newsletters keep you in the loop with periodic updates on Agroscope news, press releases, blog posts, research results, publications, events, colloquiums and courses. Agroscope à Zürich ⌚ Heures d'ouverture Adresse ☎ Téléphone sur Welcome to Marcel van der Heijden's group The research we perform takes places as part of a collaboration between the University of Zurich and Agroscope, the Swiss centre of excellence for Agricultural research. San Carlos, CA Postdoctoral Scholar … If we caught your interest, please feel free to contact Carina Schönsee with any questions! Forschungskonzept BLW 2017-2020 (PDF, 2 MB, 02.01.2018)Forschungskonzept Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft 2017-2020, Federal Act on Agriculture (Agriculture Act, AgricA) RS 910.1, Federal Act concerning Agricultural Research (VLF) RS 915.7 (in german), Forschungskonzept Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft 2017-2020,, FDFA: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, FDJP: Federal Department of Justice and Police, DDPS: Federal Department of Defence Civil Protection and Sport, EAER: Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, DETEC: Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, SECO: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, FONES: Federal Office for National Economic Supply, CTI: Commission for Technology and Innovation. Angesiedelt ist Agroscope beim Eidg. To this end, it runs the agricultural research station Agroscope, which is under the control of the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Agroscope makes an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and food sector as well as to an intact environment, thereby contributing to an improved quality of life. Access Map. Zürich, Switzerland Application Scientist GALT: General Automation Lab Technologies, Inc Jan. 2020 – Dez. Agroscope makes an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and food sector as well as to an intact environment, thereby contributing to an improved … Agroscope Reckenholzstrasse 191 8046 Zürich Switzerland Phone +41 58 483 05 71 E-Mail. Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung WBF. 100%; 16.12.2020 Diese Jobsuche abonnieren. Category: Environment Agronomy / Food Science . University of Zurich. Job Start: 01.05.2018. Agroscope researchers' publications can be found in the Institutional Repository. An Agroscope study shows the adverse affect of cubicles that are too small on the lying behaviour of large cows in free stalls. 8046 Zürich. Agroscope è il centro di competenza della Confederazione per la ricerca agronomica ed è aggregato all' Ufficio federale dell'agricoltura (UFAG). Switzerland. Subscribe to the Agroscope Newsletter now! Agroscope, Zürich Affoltern. Reckenholzstrasse 191. Headquartered in Bern-Liebefeld, Agroscope is attached to the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER. Electronic address: Phone +41 58 468 75 98. In addition, there is now a French version of the Cider Varieties Guide. The sugar levels of the different varieties have been adjusted in the current edition. Dieses Profil melden Berufserfahrung Postdoctoral Researcher Agroscope Jan. 2021 –Heute 1 Monat. neuvoo™ 【 52 Agroscope Job Opportunities in Switzerland 】 We’ll help you find Switzerland’s best Agroscope jobs and we include related job information like salaries & taxes. Using pigs to control yellow nutsedge is environmentally friendly, effective, protects the soil, and creates added value: the flesh of the animals can be sold as meat. HR Spezialist/in. Die Forschenden üben ihre Tätigkeiten an verschiedenen Standorten in der Schweiz aus. Hauptsitz ist Bern-Liebefeld. Find advertised job offers and 1 reviews for the company Agroscope and also submit a review for the company. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Urban Pests (Ouro Preto, BR, 2011-08-07/10), 109-104. Agroscope führt am 4. Agroscope ist das Kompetenzzentrum des Bundes für die Forschung in der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Organization Chart Agroscope (PDF, 148 kB, 01.02.2021). Occupation rate: 80%. Agroscope deals with issues in the following spheres: With sites in Avenches, Changins, Liebefeld, Posieux, Tänikon, Wädenswil and Zürich Reckenholz Agroscope boasts a decentralised infrastructure which also allows regional differences in the agro-environmental system to be taken into account. Plant Breeding, Plant Production, Plant Protection and Plant Products; Livestock, Feed and Products of Animal Origin; Cropping Systems, Protection of Natural Resources, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Engineering. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich is a university specialised in natural sciences and engineering, located in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. 8046 Zürich. And if you’re after rest and relaxation, you can be in the Swiss mountains in less than an hour. The cosmopolitan city by the water combines creative urban life with nature in all its glory. We cannot offer remuneration for your work but can assist you in any way possible in organizing your stay with us. Agroscope have a decentralised infrastructure with 9 research center over Switzerland taking account of regional differences in the agri-environmental system. Agroscope Zürich Swiss Soil Monitoring group (NABO) Published: 13 March 2018. Agrarforschung für die Schweiz Recherche agricole pour la Suisse Ricerca agricola per la Svizzera Agricultural research for Switzerland Agroscope. Doctoral Student in Systems Biology. Agroscope researches along the entire value chain of the agriculture and the food sector. Heat-supply maps created by Agroscope help in the choice of suitable varieties. E-Mail Bitte ausfüllen. Publication Search; Employees; Imprint / Contact; Publication Search; Employees; Imprint / Contact; Person; Contact; Projects / Publications; more; Andreas Lüscher . Agroscope. Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). To contact Agroscope Employees directly by email, please use the contact form included in their portrait. Agroscope Reckenholz in Zürich, Switzerland and supervised by experienced researchers in the field. 100%; 15.12.2020 Collaborateur scientifique … Zürich Area, Switzerland. Postdoctoral Researcher at Agroscope Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz 80 Kontakte. List of important Publications List of all Publications. Location Reckenholz. The group Plant-Soil-Interaction involved in OSCAR is located in Reckenholz near Zürich and the OSCAR MEE … In the 1990s Agroscope, the Swiss federal agricultural research stations became involved in organic research topics. Isabella Hilber Schöb . Zum Vernetzen anmelden Agroscope. Location Reckenholz. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations. Integrating proteomic, transcriptomic and genomic data to unravel the complete protein-coding potential of prokaryotic organisms. Workplace: Zürich, Reckenholzstrasse 19, Zurich region, Switzerland. It is part of the federal administration, and is attached to the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER. In pursuing these aims, the research institute gears itself to the needs of its service recipients. Isabella Hilber Schöb. Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung WBF. These are intended to halt the further spread of this pest in Switzerland. It is one of two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology under the ETH Domain, and directly subordinate to the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research. Publications. PhD candidate Agroscope March 2013 – June 2018 5 years 4 months. +41 (0)44 / 377 72 88 Fax +41 (0)44 / 377 72 01 raphael.wittwer[at] 2. UPDATED TODAY