Please try again or select another dataset. Labour input by activity, ISIC rev4, SNA93, 8A. Government expenditure by function (COFOG), SNA93, 12. Financial balance sheets counterpart information - non consolidated - SNA 2008, GDP, volume – annual growth rates in percentage, 2019 archive, Gross domestic product (annual), 2019 archive, GDP, US $, current prices, current PPPs, millions, 2019 archive, GDP, US $, constant prices, constant PPPs, reference year 2010, millions, 2019 archive, GDP per head, US $, current prices, current PPPs, 2019 archive, GDP per head, US $, constant prices, constant PPPs, reference year 2010, 2019 archive, Net lending/net borrowing, US $, current prices, current PPPs, 2019 archive, Disposable income. Taxes and social contributions receipts, Distributional measures across household groups, QNA – Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, Annual National Accounts, Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, Main aggregates, Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, 1. ; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4), D12VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4), B2G_B3G: Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income, D2_D3: Taxes less subsidies on production and imports, D3S1: Subsidies on production and imports, Data extracted on 23 Feb 2021 13:44 UTC (GMT) from. This indicator is less suited for comparisons over time, as developments are not only caused by real growth, but also by changes in prices and PPPs. 5506.0 - Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2008-09. OECD members gdp for 2017 was $50,320.16B, a 4.44% increase from 2016. OECD members gdp for 2018 was $53,201.64B, a 5.73% increase from 2017. Polish GDP was so low it was out of control, so it naturally went up. Korea (red), OECD - Total (black) Total US dollars/capita 2019 Korea (red) Trade in goods and services Indicator: 39.9 Exports % of GDP 2019 Korea % of GDP: Exports % of GDP 2000-2019 Korea (red) Exports % of GDP 2019 Korea (red) OECD.Stat includes data and metadata under many themes for OECD countries and selected non-member economies. (ISIC rev4), D11VJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4), D11VK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4), D11VL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4), D11VM_N: Prof., scientific, techn. The global economy is projected to grow 4.2 percent next year with China expected to account for over a third of the growth, said the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in its latest Economic Outlook report on Tuesday.. After a second wave of infections knocked on Europe and the United States, the OECD downgraded the global economic growth again after it … Please refer to the dataset Gross domestic product (GDP), 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4, SNA93, 9. ; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4), D1VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4), D11VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4), D11VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4), D11VC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev4), D11VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. OECD Taxes as Share of GDP 1999-2005. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev4, SNA93, 7A. Latest numbers for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is the standard measure of the value of final goods and services produced by a country during a period minus the value of imports. Fixed assets by activity and by asset, ISIC rev4, 2019 archive, 9B. Financial balance sheets - consolidated, 710. ; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4), D11VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4), D12VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4), D12VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev 4), D12VC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev 4), D12VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. All rights reserved. This is a list of OECD regions by GDP per capita, a ranking of subnational entities from members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) by gross domestic product at purchasing power parity prices per capita.. OECD members gdp per capita for 2017 was $37,416, a 3.81% increase from 2016. Final consumption expenditure of households, SNA93, 6. National accounts are the source for a multitude of well-known economic indicators which are presented in this article. Use this code to embed the visualisation into your website. Simplified non-financial accounts, SNA93, 10. Financial accounts - consolidated - SNA 2008, 620. ; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC rev4), B1GVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4), D21_D31: Taxes less subsidies on products, B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach), P31S14_S15: Households and Non-profit institutions serving households, P31S14: Final consumption expenditure of households, P3S13: Final consumption expenditure of general government, P31S13: Individual consumption expenditure of general government, P32S13: Collective consumption expenditure of general government, P41: of which: Actual individual consumption, P51N1113: Machinery and equipment and weapon system, P51N1113O: Other machinery and equipment and weapon system, SNA08, P51N1114: Cultivated biological resources, P52_P53: Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables, B11: External balance of goods and services, B1_GI: Gross domestic product (income approach), D1VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4), D1VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4), D1VC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev4), D1VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. ; admin., support serv. Financial balance sheets - non consolidated - SNA 2008, 725. OECD members gdp per capita for 2016 was $36,045, a 1.21% increase from 2015. OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD’s many databases. OECD members gdp for 2019 was $53,699.37B, a 0.94% increase from 2018. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. While GDP is the single most important indicator to capture economic activity, it falls short of providing a suitable measure of people's material well-being for which alternative indicators may be more appropriate. OECD members gdp per capita for 2019 was $39,486, a 0.39% increase from 2018. OECD's annual Education at a Glance looks at who participates in education, what is spent on it, how education systems operate and the results achieved. Please note that OECD reference year from 2010 to 2015 changed on Tuesday 3rd of December, 2019. Today, our 36 member countries span the globe, from North and South America to Europe and Asia-Pacific. Taxes and social contributions receipts, SNA93, 11. Fixed assets by activity and by asset, ISIC rev4, 9B. Population and employment by main activity, 2019 archive, 5. Government expenditure by function (COFOG), 12. The economy is recovering following the sharp fall in GDP and dramatic rise in the unemployment rate in the first half of 2020. Real household income per capita and real GDP per capita Percentage change on the previous quarter, s.a. 06/02/2020 - Growth in real Household income per capita provides a better picture of changes in households’ economic well-being than real GDP growth per capita, which it outpaced for the fourth straight quarter in the third quarter of 2019. Final consumption expenditure of households, 6. Data are in current U.S. dollars. Please note that OECD reference year from 2010 to 2015 changed on Tuesday 3rd of December, 2019. Disposable income and net lending - net borrowing, 6A. Latest OECD figures on health spending show that health spending grew by 2.5% in 2018 with provisional estimates pointing to around 2.4% growth in 2019. The unemployment rate will gradually fall, but will remain elevated compared with the pre-pandemic period. Taxes and social contributions receipts, 2019 archive, 11. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev3, 6A. Final consumption expenditure of households, 2019 archive, 6A. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4, 9A. Financial accounts - non consolidated - SNA 2008, 625. Financial accounts - non consolidated, 620. The 381 areas shown below are "territorial level 2" (TL2) regions. Balance sheets for non-financial assets, SNA93, 13. Financial balance sheets - non consolidated, 720. OECD members gdp per capita for 2018 was $39,332, a 5.12% increase from 2017. Fixed assets by activity and by type of product, SNA93, 9A. This is called economical convergence. And what's most important growth wasn't produced by Polish companies. Fixed assets by activity and by asset, ISIC rev4 copy, 10. The online and mobile editions are updated regularly. OECD Economic Surveys: United States 2020 Publication (2020) International Trade by Commodity Statistics, Volume 2019 Issue 3 Publication (2019) OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Real GDP is anticipated to contract by 3.7% in 2020, before rising by 3.2% in 2021 and 3.5% in 2022. Simplified non-financial accounts, 2019 archive, 10. Supply, Output and its components by industries, 41. Non-financial accounts by sectors, SNA93, Public Sector Debt, consolidated, nominal value, Public sector debt by instrument coverage, Non-financial accounts by economic sector (table 0801), Consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0610), Consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0610) - SNA 2008, Non-consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0620), Non-consolidated financial transactions by economic sector (Quarterly table 0620) - SNA 2008, Non-consolidated financial accounts counterpart information (Quarterly table 0625) - SNA 2008, Consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0710), Consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0710) - SNA 2008, Non-consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0720), Non-consolidated financial balance sheets by economic sector (Quarterly table 0720) - SNA 2008, Non-consolidated financial balance sheets counterpart information (Quarterly table 0725) - SNA 2008, Instutional investors' assets - Annual and Quarterly - Archived, Institutional Investors Indicators - archived, Institutional Investors’ Assets and Liabilities, Institutional Investors' Indicators - country comparison, Households' financial and non-financial assets and liabilities - Annual and Quarterly - Archived, Households' financial assets and liabilities, Household Dashboard: cross country comparisons, Monthly Monetary and Financial Statistics (MEI), Bilateral Trade by Industry and End-use (ISIC4), Gross domestic product (GDP), 2019 archive, B1_GA: Gross domestic product (output approach), B1G_P119: Gross value added at basic prices, excluding FISIM, B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, total activity, B1GVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4), B1GVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4), B1GVC: of which: Manufacturing (ISIC rev4), B1GVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. We've been just sold. This indicator is based on nominal GDP (also called GDP at current prices or GDP in value) and is available in different measures: US dollars and US dollars per capita (current PPPs). Search is too long (150 characters maximum), 2. % of GDP 2019 United States (red), OECD - Total (black) Find all indicators on Society. Organisation for Economic. Disposable income and net lending - net borrowing, 2019 archive, Detailed Tables and Simplified Accounts, Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, General Government Accounts, Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, Detailed Non-Financial Sector Accounts, Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, Detailed Tables and Simplified Accounts, SNA93, Detailed Non-Financial Sector Accounts, SNA93, National Accounts at a Glance - 2013 edition, National Accounts at a Glance - 2011 edition, National Accounts at a Glance - 2010 edition, National Accounts at a Glance - 2009 edition, Quarterly Sector Accounts (Financial and Non-financial), Non-financial accounts by economic sector, Non-financial accounts by economic sector - Archive before 2019 benchmark revisions, Financial transactions by economic sector, Financial balance sheets by economic sector, Archives - Institutional Investors Statistics, Statistical discrepancy (Institutional Investors – Financial Balance Sheets), Households' financial and non-financial assets and liabilities, Archive - Households' financial and non-financial assets and liabilities, GDP, volume – annual growth rates in percentage, GDP, US $, current prices, current PPPs, millions, GDP per head, US $, current prices, current PPPs, GDP per head, US $, constant prices, constant PPPs, reference year 2015, GDP, US $, constant prices, constant PPPs, reference year 2015, millions, Net lending/net borrowing, US $, current prices, current PPPs, Disposable income. Financial balance sheets - consolidated - SNA 2008, 720. The magazine appeared six times a year until 2010, and became quarterly in 2011 with the introduction of the OECD Yearbook, launched for the 50th anniversary of the organisation. Population and employment by main activity, Purchasing Power Parities for private consumption, Purchasing Power Parities for actual individual consumption, 5. GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. Supply at basic prices and its transformation into purchasers' prices, 31. OECD Observer, an award-winning magazine launched in 1962. This indicator is based on nominal GDP (also called GDP at current prices or GDP in value) and is available in different measures: US dollars and US dollars per capita (current PPPs). They are represented by ambassadors, who are part of the OECD Council, which oversees and advises on our work, as set out in the OECD Convention. In future publications, as soon as the annual main aggregates presented for the EU extend for the first time to periods beyond the UK withdrawal (i.e. Non-financial accounts by sectors, 2019 archive, 2. Find Out Fixed assets by activity and by asset, ISIC rev4, SNA93, 9B. All OECD countries compile their data according to the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA). It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. As such, it also measures the income earned from that production, or the total amount spent on final goods and services (less imports). Taxes and social contributions receipts copy, 11. Balance sheets for non-financial assets, 2019 archive, 13. The latter includes indicators on a wide range of outcomes, from comparisons of students’ performance in key subject areas to the impact of education on earnings and on adults’ chances of employment. OECD's dissemination platform for all published content ... Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Baltic States Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory ... (GDP). in March 2021 for the reference year 2020), the “European Union” aggregate will change to reflect the new EU country composition. OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD’s many databases. Interested readers may refer to the Eurostat website for further information on Eurostat’s plans for disseminating EU aggregates and to the Eurostat database for the actual series. activities (ISIC rev4), D11VO_Q: Public admin. Read more Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, SNA93, 14A. General Government Debt - Maastricht, Public Finance and Employment: Expenditures according to COFOG Special, Public Finance and Employment: Kinds of Revenue, 30. Labour input by activity, ISIC rev4 copy, 8. Capital formation by activity, ISIC rev3, 8A. ; admin., support serv. GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) - OECD members, United States from The World Bank: Data Data are in current U.S. dollars. Federal Tax Revenue as Share of GDP 1990-2009 for 148 Countries - excludes voluntary insurance programs. Please refer to the dataset Gross domestic product (GDP), 2019 archive to access longer time series based on the methodology prior to the 2019 benchmark revisions. activities (ISIC rev4), D12VO_Q: Public admin. Disposable income and net lending - net borrowing, SNA93, 3. OECD spending on health as a share of GDP has remained at around 8.8% on average since 2017, according to OECD Health Statistics 2020, updated in … Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, 750. Financial accounts counterpart information - non consolidated - SNA 2008, 710. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4, 2019 archive, 9A. Publications related to United States. US $, volume, constant PPPs, Net national income per head, US $, current prices, current PPPs, Net national income per head, US $, constant prices, constant PPPs, reference year 2015, 3. The EU aggregate presented here therefore refers to the EU including the UK. (ISIC rev4), D12VJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4), D12VK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev 4), D12VL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev 4), D12VM_N: Prof., scientific, techn. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Source:
GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD’s many databases. Capital formation by activity ISIC rev4 copy, 9. Latest available data for a fixed period, ©
Labour input by activity, ISIC rev4, 2019 archive, 8A. GDP (current US$) from The World Bank: Data. Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Constant price estimates of GDP are obtained by expressing values of all goods and services produced in a given year, expressed in terms of a base period. OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD’s many databases. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev4 copy, 7A. The fresh born polish companies couldn't even compete with german conglomerates milking Poland's resources. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev4, 2019 archive, 7A. Balance sheets for non-financial assets, 10. Value added and its components by activity, ISIC rev4, 8A. Government deficit/surplus, revenue, expenditure and main aggregates, 2019 archive, 14A. Aggregate National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Gross domestic product, Snapshot of data for a fixed period (data will not change even if updated on the site). United Kingdom (red), OECD - Total (black) Total US dollars/capita 2019 United Kingdom (red) Trade in goods and services Indicator: 31.2 Exports % of GDP 2019 United Kingdom % of GDP: Exports % of GDP 2000-2019 United Kingdom (red) Exports % of GDP 2019 United Kingdom (red) They engage with our experts and delegations from other countries, relay our data and analysis, and play a key role in our country review programmes, which are designed to e…