Per raggiungere pubblici sempre più ampi e giovani i musei italiani si fanno 2.0. Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality and Tourism Tourism and technology have been going hand in hand for some time now providing many opportunities for innovation. That, in turn, will enable us to sell more profitably, due to the lower customer acquisition costs. The digital offer on the mobile channel is one of the areas companies should develop. Un contesto fortemente associato alle nuove tecnologie e in cui ci sono 3 grandi occasioni di crescita: la partenza delle sperimentazioni 5G, l’avvio delle commissioni di esperti al MISE per Blockchain e Intelligenza Artificiale e la strategia di sviluppo dell’ecosistema digitale del turismo nazionale. The consultation received around 3000 responses from tourism businesses, professional associations and federations as well as public authorities at national, regional and local level. The European Commission has implemented several actions to boost the competitiveness of businesses in the European tourism sector, integrate them into global digital value chains, and improve their ability to create more jobs. Nevertheless, different collaborations among tourism stakeholders could enhance the digital transformation of tourism SMEs. New: Digital Tourism Network event Important. Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Industries, Raw materials, metals, minerals and forest-based industries, Textiles, Fashion and Creative Industries, EDEN - European Destinations of Excellence, Internationalisation of tourism businesses, Enhancing what European tourism has to offer, Sustainable transnational tourism products, European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN), Enterprise Europe Network: tourism and cultural heritage, CP-DS: Legislation on substances in construction products, European Sustainable Chemicals Support - Self Assessment Tool, Noise emissions for outdoor equipment - Database, Public procurement - ex-ante assessment of large infrastructure projects, Small Business Act - database of good practices, 2 reports published on the virtual tourism observatory, strengthen the skill base of tourism SMEs, whose growth potential is often unexploited due to limited access to life-long learning and awareness of developments in the smart use of technologies, support the integration of tourism businesses in the digital value chain by, helping with the design of tailored digital solutions for the tourism industry, offering a chance to take full advantage of the opportunities of the digital market to increase competitiveness, providing access to new business opportunities and new markets, boost the ICT-driven innovation potential of tourism SMEs and empower tourism entrepreneurs. Diego del Alcázar Benjumea, Vice President of IE University, analyzes how a new educational model is key to harnessing the limitless advantages of technology in the digital age, as well as giving us the ability to recognize the risks this technology can bring. In this new age of digital transformation, companies in the tourism industry must use new technologies to develop a strategy based on the consumer experience. All tourism companies should strive to achieve the kind of excellence that will turn their customers into their best advocates and ambassadors. In short, the tourism industry should embrace the full breadth of the digital transformation process. The webinars focus on practical digital, e-management and online marketing skills that help tourism businesses respond to the evolution of digitalisation in tourism and the recent trends in tourists' use of technology to discover, plan and share their travel experiences. The mobile channel is especially interesting. Today, technology makes it possible to trace, interpret and cross-check everything with other data in real time. The Digital tourism network is an informal forum of EU tourism industry and other relevant stakeholders Launched in 2015. In short, the tourism industry should embrace the full breadth of the digital transformation process. Companies in the tourism industry have always been very good at taking care of the customer, training their staff to ensure it provides exquisite customer service. Leggi tutto su Turismo digitale da Agenda Digitale, la testata di riferimento per tematiche riguardanti il Digitale e la Pubblica Amministrazione, con approfondimenti su sanità, scuola, documenti, infrastrutture, cittadinanza, sicurezza e molto altro. This is another major challenge: if we can connect with the consumer during the inspiration stage, the conversion rates and associated costs will be better. Your continued use of the site means that you accept these cookies. Rob is a key member of the Digital Tourism Think Tank team leading our own transformation by recognising the huge impact of video to covey meaning. It needs to be accompanied by the right strategy. The event's new date will be communicated at a later stage. Business intelligence means understanding every stage of the consumer experience. However, not all organizations have proven able to do it at the same speed, and many have lagged behind in implementing BI strategies and digital listening. The network will help shape new actions to support the digital transformation of the industry, increase the uptake of digital technologies by the tourism sector and improve tourism SMEs' integration in the global digital value chain. Like in other economic sectors, intelligent automation will change the nature of some travel jobs and eradicate others altogether. You may change your settings and obtain more information here. In tourism, service is everything. It is an investment offering a very high return. At the end of the day, 55% of customers are willing to pay more for better service. Le Nazioni Unite e tutto il mondo hanno celebrato il 27 settembre, la giornata mondiale del turismo dedicata quest’anno alla trasformazione digitale attraverso piattaforme, big data e … Defining metrics for each decision and action undertaken is fundamental to maximize business and obtain competitive advantages. Please note that in line with Commission guidelines on public events, due to the coronavirus - Covid-19 outbreak, this event has been postponed. In 2016, with the help of the digital tourism network, the Commission conducted a targeted consultation on the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in tourism. According to the data, 70% of new business in the last year came from mobile devices. 18 Aprile 2018 . customer interactions, but also all the other factors in the value chain, such as employee training courses. The tourism business portal is a one-stop-shop to improve the establishment, management, promotion, and expansion of businesses. Media Production. Here, agility is imperative: it cannot take us 24 or 48 hours to identify an area of friction with the customer, because the profitability of our business cycle depends on it. By using technology to scientifically review every stage of the value chain, companies can achieve better operating efficiency, streamline the value chain, and deliver true business intelligence. It includes plenty of articles, tutorials, online tools, and links to best practices to help entrepreneurs learn about the management of a tourism business in the digital era. We use both our own and third-party cookies to enhance our services and to offer you the content that most suits your preferences by analysing your browsing habits. This last point, regarding employees and talent, is another challenge for the sector. It aims to discuss common challenges and opportunities of the EU tourism industry's digital transformation and exchange good practices for boosting the innovation capacity of tourism entrepreneurs, especially SMEs. I am also grateful to Theodoros Oikonomidis (PhD candidate) for an excellent cooperation during my thesis writing. Of course, knowledge alone is not enough. First Published 2019 . gdpr[allowed_cookies], gdpr[consent_types], _ga, _gid, _gat, _gtag, _gat_UA_5130164_1, Leadership Lessons from 2000 Years of the Catholic Church, Women on Boards Leads to Greater Sustainability, 5 Principles for Manufacturers to Survive and Thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution, A New Model of Education Can Help Govern Technology for the Greater Good, Finding Personal Strength in Times of Workplace Uncertainty, How to Listen and Lead in Evolving Markets, A New Approach to the Architect of the Future, How to Manage Your Star Employee: Bartomeu vs Messi, Corporate Tax Reforms and Tax-Motivated Profit Shifting: Evidence from the EU, Jobs-to-Be-Done: Innovation Guided by an Understanding of the Customer, IE School of Human Science and Technology, Digital Transformation Strategies in Tourism. The chain has to be solid; there can be no weak links. Lineo Mabekebeke. Tourism companies are facing a new reality in which it is vital to have as much knowledge as possible about travelers, since today’s customers are worth much more than the mere transactional profit; they also build brand reputation, attract new customers, and increase the value of future customers. Je préfère l’expression Tourisme Digital, à mon sens plus adaptée et plus centrée sur la transformation digitale de l’activité touristique. If you don’t have credibility generated and publicized by customers, conversion costs skyrocket, and it will cost much more to achieve the ratios your business needs for this variable. Nowadays we do not talk so much about the digital age as the cognitive age, the age of artificial intelligence, in which data and how we interpret them are king. La plus célèbre, sans doute, est la première agence de voyages qui remonte à… 1841. It has been summarised and analysed in 2 reports published on the virtual tourism observatory in 2016 and 2018. With the help of local experts and entrepreneurs, topics such as access to finance for digitalisation, digital skills of the future and how going digital can help in tapping into new markets were discussed. It no longer makes sense to distinguish between digital and non-digital customers. It aims to discuss common challenges and opportunities of the EU tourism industry's digital transformation and exchange good practices for boosting the innovation capacity of tourism entrepreneurs, especially SMEs. The webinars were followed by a series of local workshops held between December 2018 - March 2019 in 5 EU cities: Athens, Poznan, Sofia, Bucharest and Lisbon. However, the industry which seems to have been disrupted the most, or better say has been literally turned on its head, is the hospitality and tourism industry. For example, for less than €50,000 you can get a very powerful app offering high returns, especially compared to the opportunity cost we will pay if we stay off the mobile channel. 2 series of webinars were produced to provide guidance on the use of digital technologies by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism industry. Download Story. Digital Transformation in Tourism: Split Boutique Hotel Says No to Print, Yes to iPads By Daniela Rogulj 15 October 2019 October 15, 2019 - The Briig Boutique Hotel in Split, in cooperation with the Hoteza platform, offers the Hoteza HotPad system as a unique way to communicate with its guests - as and it’s also a sustainable solution. Edited By Kayhan Tajeddini, Vanessa Ratten, Thorsten Merkle. Oct. 5, 2018 2 min read. The digital transformation is a dream come true for introverts who like to travel. Strategic Management Aspects. Digital tourism in the European Union 3 Recent trendsin digitaltourism The digital revolution has had a profound impacton tourismin the EU.While in the past many customers booked theirtripsinhigh-street travelagencies,nowadaysthey tend toplan and book tripson their ownthroughonline travel agenciesorsearchand meta-search engines,and are E’ quanto emerso da ‘Museum ... Camilla Giantomasso. Companies should take an omnichannel approach focused on the customer journey. Présentation de notre Masterclass sur la transformation digitale du secteur du tourisme réalisée dans le cadre de notre formation MBA Digital Marketing & Busin… I programmi executive dell’area Innovation, Big Data & Digital Transformation si prefiggono l’obiettivo di fornire le capacità distintive e le conoscenze necessarie per integrare con successo strategie di business e tecnologia. It is that combination that will determine whether we are able to manage each channel and customer interaction more profitably. Digital Tourism Think Tank is a global platform and network for tourism organisations, institutions and businesses, promoting thought leadership and best practices in the field of destination marketing. Today, all marketing tactics have a digital component, and most consumer journeys include digital micro-moments. Part of the industry clearly has yet to embrace a deep digital transformation with a scientific approach to customer experience. Top 7 digital transformation trends in the travel industry. Strategy in the tourism industry is destined to become increasingly scientific, seeking to quantify and measure absolutely everything. Firenze. Digital technologies and platforms are disrupting the way the tourism sector operates from end to end. Opportunity in the face of adversity: a venerable inn that revived its fortunes through digital transformation pushes Japan’s tourism business into the future. Musei 2.0: comunicare digitale per attrarre di più . Maseru- Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has marked September as the tourism month, with the World Tourism Day (WTD) commemorated on the 27th September yearly. In the time that Rob has been with the team, he has helped transform the #DTTT into a video first company. Tourism, Hospitality and Digital Transformation book. La Digital Transformation nel Turismo La Digital Transformation rappresenta ormai un passaggio obbligato per ogni realtà che opera al giorno d’oggi nella Travel Industry. With this theme, the organizing committee encourages companies and organizations to take initiatives for the application of Industry 4.0 in management, business and tourism activities. The tourism industry has traditionally been one of the best and earliest adopters of the latest technological advances in the interest of business. On peut utiliser le terme e-tourisme, ou tourisme numérique. eBook Published 8 October 2019 . Nowadays, it is more cost-effective to invest in the customer experience than to invest in advertising, since satisfied customers can be the best brand ambassadors. This includes not only the most obvious things, i.e. In the tourism industry, these stages begin with inspiration, followed by planning, booking, the stay and the post-stay. Strategy in the tourism industry is destined to become increasingly scientific, seeking to quantify and measure absolutely everything. This expanding footprint is not merely to plan holidays on the smartphone but also … The current market requires the development of greater predictive capabilities for brand, customer, and business development, using advanced metrics with digital traceability. Attracting and retaining talent is basic when it comes to successfully implementing a business strategy. This year, growth rates are expected to be 5% to 6% and the total spending on travel and tourism should grow by over 50% over the period from 2015 to 2026, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council. Le aziende stanno devolvendo sempre maggiori risorse all’attuazione di iniziative digitali di grande impatto nell’era del processo di trasformazione digitale. UNWTO Innovation Network: As part of the Innovation, Digital Transformation and Investments Department´s mission of fostering synergies among key stakeholders and promoting the exchange of knowledge among actors and change-makers with the objective of contributing to the promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we aim to make innovation a key pillar of the … We use both our own and third-party cookies to enhance our services and to offer you the content that most suits your preferences by analysing your browsing habits. regarding the digital transformation in the tourism industry. However, it is now necessary to include another element: the employee’s tie, his or her commitment, to the company. In fact, it is more important to invest in the customer experience than in mere advertising. Sperimentato, deciso e gestito consapevolmente dalla direzione aziendale e determinato dall’impiego di nuove tecnologie e servizi digitali e dallo sviluppo di digital capability. Per Digital Transformation (Dt) si intende un processo di cambiamento dell’azienda tramite il miglioramento dell’efficienza operativa e della customer experience. How can we do this? Digital transformation trends are now abundantly visible in different industries like healthcare, banking, media, and entertainment. Transformation digitale des sites touristiques : l’expérience visiteur NEOMA BS Web TV. Companies such as Iberostar or Palladium have achieved double-digit growth in profits using customer experience strategies. By reviewing our entire value chain throughout all stages of the customer journey. conservative mindset of the SMEs may hinder their digital transformation and that various support in knowledge building could differ among member states, among country regions and even among SMEs at a destination level. Le Digital Marketing dans le tourisme - Duration: 1:20:31. comupemlv 2,845 views. 2 min read. Tourism and digital transformation. La transformation digitale des entreprises du tourisme Il y a des dates qui comptent dans le monde du tourisme. Digital Transformation Propels Tourism Toward the Future. Breaking News. In addition to enabling greater operating efficiency, streamlining the value chain, and delivering true business intelligence, the new technologies will enable the leap to new business models. Reputation has become a prime objective. Digital Transformation in Hospitality: A Guide for Luxury Hotels. To illustrate the importance of understanding and managing multiple channels of interaction, consider the fact that 70% of new business in the last year came from mobile devices. Tag: Museum digital transformation . The greatest societal impact of digital transformation in tourism may be the effect on the sector’s workforce, which directly and indirectly represents 1 in every 10 jobs worldwide. Today’s customers are worth much more than the mere transactional profit; they also build brand reputation, attract new customers, and increase the value of future customers. DOI link for Tourism, Hospitality and Digital Transformation. Travelers’ impact on the brand is crucial: up to 70% of the credibility of a value proposition depends on the voice and recommendations of customers. Only then will it be possible to overcome the current poor ratios that, according to studies by Forrester, indicate that only 37% of companies really understand their customers’ needs. The Digital tourism network is an informal forum of EU tourism industry and other relevant stakeholders Launched in 2015. With mobile-first and mobile-only brands continuing to grow, customers can … Omnipresence of digital transformation. Edition 1st Edition . 27/01/2021. Only then will it be possible to overcome the current poor ratios that, according to studies by Forrester, indicate that only 37% of companies really understand their customers’ needs. Digital transformation in the tourism and travel sector: the challenge of mobile devices For a while we have been hearing about the digital transformation in companies and industries, especially in the tourism and travel sector, where digital adaptation is not optional but rather an indispensable condition to continue being competitive and responding to new consumer demands. 08 August 2019 Digital Transformation, Inclusive & Sharing Author | Eduardo Bravo Smart cities’ commitment to technology, sustainability, innovation or accessibility, has not only improved the quality of life of their inhabitants: it has also become a differential element when it comes to tourists choosing where they want to relax. Hanoi (VNA) - The International Tourism Fair with the theme “Digital transformation to develop tourism in Vietnam” was officially opened on November 18 in Hanoi. Rob Palmer. In addition to enabling greater operating efficiency, streamlining the value chain, and delivering true business intelligence, the new technologies will enable the leap to new business models, opening the door to cross-selling, the purchase of insurance, experiences, etc., not only during the vacation period, but all year round. Toutes ces expressions désignent la partie visible de la transformation digitale des entreprises du tourisme. Your continued use of the site means that you accept these cookies. For hotels, we are talking about savings of up to 70% and even, in some cases, 200% of the conversion cost. SUPPORTING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND WORKFORCE ADJUSTMENT IN TOURISM Prof David Parsons (Expert to the OECD) OECD-EC Policy Workshop on Preparing the Tourism Workforce for the Digital Future (28 January 2021) Many low-income economies can potentially benefit from this digital transformation and others are at risk of being left behind if they fail to embrace this moment.