The final dissertation is constructed in relation to the apprenticeship / internship. UFR Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS). This course aims to support the research work undertaken in M1 and which should lead to the production of a dissertation at the end of semester 3. Lille is located in the North of France within 300 . This teaching is based on a team project. L'accès à ces E.N.T s'effectue avec les anciens identifiants et mots de passe (ex Lille1, ex Lille2, ex Lille3). This course aims to support students in their professional insertino steps. The objective of this course is to understand the issues related to performance management. Popular books. Community This training is designed to give students basic fundamentals of financial management and budget planning. It is a two year interdisciplinary master program in Economics and Management. Through numerous examples, the aim is to make students aware of the more or less imposed presence of corporate culture. À savoir que cette formation est réservée à des élèves ayant obtenu un niveau bac+3, dans un domaine relatif à la formation en question : STAPS, licence STS(Sciences pour la Santé)… 59000 Lille - France, Retrouvez les organigrammes des directions et services, Direction générale des services adjointe - projets transversauxDirection aide au pilotage et qualitéDirection données personnelles et archives, Direction générale déléguée recherche et valorisationDirection appui à la rechercheDirection valorisation de la rechercheDirection transversale ingénierie et management de projets, Direction générale déléguée relations internationalesDirection mobilités internationalesDirection développement international et pilotage, Direction générale déléguée formation tout au long de la vieDirection ingénierie de formationDirection scolaritéDirection formation continue et alternanceDirection innovation pédagogiqueObservatoire de la direction des formationsDirection entrepreneuriat étudiantService universitaire d’aide, d’insertion et d’orientation (SUAIO)Bureau d’aide à l’insertion professionnelle (BAIP)Centre de langues de l’Université de Lille (CLIL) (Rattachement fonctionnel - service commun), Direction générale déléguée vie universitaireDirection vie étudianteDirection cultureDirection développement durable responsabilité socialeService universitaire médecine de prévention et de promotion de la santé (SUMPPS) (rattachement fonctionnel - service commun)Service universitaire activités physiques et sportives (SUAPS)(rattachement fonctionnel - service commun), Direction générale déléguée relations humaines (DRH)Direction gestion des personnels enseignantsDirection gestion des personnels BIATSSDirection développement et gestion prévisionnelle des compétencesDirection environnement social au travailDirection pilotage et affaires générales RHService inter universitaire des pensionsService social des personnelsService santé au travailService commun affaires sociales (SCAS)(rattachement fonctionnel - service commun), Direction générale déléguée immobilier logistiqueDirection stratégie, programmation et maîtrise d’ouvrageService valorisation des installations sportivesImprimerieDirection campus Cité ScientifiqueDirection campus Pont-de-BoisDirection site Lille centreDirection site Roubaix-TourcoingDirection site Grande région, Direction générale déléguée affaires financières (DAF)Direction commande publiqueDirection budgetDirection gestion, Direction générale déléguée systèmes d’information (DSI)Direction développement et exploitation des systèmes d’informationDirection infrastructure et support informatique, Services centraux - les directions :Direction communicationDirection affaires juridiquesDirection prévention des risquesDirection U-linkDirection sécurité défense Service commun de la documentation Coordonnateur médecine de prévention Conseiller de préventionFonctionnaire sécurité défenseAgence comptableMaison de la médiationDélégué à la protection des données, Les services communs(au sens de l'article 714-1 du code de l'éducation)Service commun de documentationService universitaire d’activités physiques et sportivesService commun des affaires socialesService universitaire de médecine préventive et de promotion de la santéCentre des langues de l'Université de LilleInstitut Eric Weil, Les anciens E.N.T sont accessibles : … You must have a major (or a minor under some conditions) in Economics or Management. Lille University is the result of the common desire . This course aims to give students a knowledge of the sociology of public action so that they become aware of the mechanisms at work and develop the keys to reading public action. Ca vient, soyez prêts! This teaching will be based on examples both in the field of industry and services in the sport sector. Differentiate the two axes of intervention of the sports manager: Manager: The one who defines the objectives, the stakes; Coach: The one who accompanies and thinks together on the means and on the best method to reach the objectives. master staps specialite: entrainement et optimisation de la performance sportive annee universitaire 2012-2013 memoire titre : effets de trois modalites de recuperation (passive, active, par … Indirectly, these conferences help to develop the professional network of students. Students holding the Master STAPS Management of Sport quickly access jobs as Project Manager, responsible for communication / development in the commercial sector, associative or public. It gives rise to the writing of a dissertation and a defense. Beyond high-level sport, the student will be brought to integrate the concept of heritage by distinguishing the material aspects related to urban issues and the immaterial aspects and in particular the social issues of these events. LES MASTERS 2 DANS LE DOMAINE DES STAPS EN FRANCE NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille1 Université du Littoral – Côte d'Opale Université d'Artois Biology Mary Ann Clark, Jung Choi, Matthew Douglas. - Know the other legal sources that apply to workers at all levels: international (community law) and sectoral (collective agreement), - Understand the terms of application in the context of paid employment. Two groups are distinguished: on the one hand apprentices for whom the objective is to accompany them to facilitate their integration into a company; On the other hand, students in initial training are supported in their search for a learning contract / internship. A number of international experts participate in lectures on various topics over the course of the Master. 12 Effectifs Fréquence Licence STAPS "éducation et motricité" 572 23,7% Licence STAPS "activité physique adaptée" 339 14,1% Licence STAPS "entraînement sportif" 327 13,6% Licence STAPS "management du sport" 298 12,4% Master Management du Sport 165 6,8% Master MEEF EPS 156 6,5% Master Activité physique adaptée et santé 137 5,7% Autre Master 99 4,1% Master … It is necessary for the students to understand the mechanisms of innovation and the interest of the strategic watch. Candidates must hold a degree or equivalent, preferably in STAPS Management of Sport or Management. The city has over 200,000 residents. A particular work will be done on the decision of decisino in the choices of investment. The SMaP program, taught in English or in French, is based on the internationally renowned expertise that ISA Lille has gained in the management … The training is structured around the following skills: - Design and develop a communication strategy and be able to create professional quality supports with specialized software, - Manage the performance of a sports organization and manage people, - Have a responsible and ethical professional practice, - Understanding public action in sport and the challenges of international sporting events, - Take responsibility for developing professional skills and critical awareness through research and support of analytical tools, Université Gustave Eiffel - Champs-sur-Marne, Bâtiment Copernic 5 boulevard Descartes Champs-sur-Marne 77441 MARNE-LA-VALLÉE cedex 2, Full time in business from April to September. kilometers of five European countries, in the triangle formed by London, Paris and Brussels, so it offers a truly European experience to all students. Advanced technical skills are developed in communication or data analysis after the appropriation of reference software to meet the challenges of digitalization. 248 likes. A detailed reading of the legislative texts and litigations must give the student an operational understanding of the rules of law that apply when performing his duties. This optional option is intended for students who have no knowledge of graphic design software in order to make a catch-up on the basics in order to follow the compulsory education like the others. - To welcome "the other person" as a person in his own right, from what he is, and thus to give him the opportunity to feel gratified, and therefore to have him listening to the objectives, and thereby the make it more efficient in the company. - Identify its flaws, its qualities to use them as a humanized and efficient "working tool" for the company. Master ISA (International Sport Administration) Management du sport 2016 - 2018 Faculté des Sciences du Sport et de l'Education Physique de Lille 2 (STAPS) Les formations en STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives) ont vu le jour à la fin des années 60, alors que l’enseignement supérieur est soumis à de nombreuses réformes dans le cadre de la loi Edgar Faure. This teaching must also provide the theoretical basis for engaging in research work. - Mobilize the tools of specific analysis (attendance statistics, bounce rate, etc.) of the three universities of Lille … The course aims to improve students' comprehension and production skills. This is to consider in a multidisciplinary perspective the effects of training sports events. It is possible to join the master … Association Management STAPS LILLE 2, Ronchin. The training is not specialized towards a particular profession. MASTER MEEF Métiers de l’Enseignement, de l’Éducation et de la Formation (Semestres 1 à 4) ESPE LILLE NORD DE FRANCE Forme aux métiers de l’enseignement de l’éducation nationale. This teaching is articulated with the design of semester 2 survey tools. Having obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sports Management from the University of Birmingham in 2019, I am completing my full time learning in Sports Management studies by enrolling on an International Sports Management Masters course at the STAPS University of Lille. This teaching must also provide the theoretical basis for engaging in research work. It aims at enabling the student to develop an expertise on a management problem and initiate a transformation of his company by relying on his expertise to improve its performance. This course is focused on the publication of written documents respecting the formal constraints of a professional publication. Beyond this, it is an opportunity to train through research and link the training with the research projects developed within the ACP laboratory and the ORME (Observatory for Research on Mega-Events). La LICENCE STAPS … La Licence STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives), est un diplôme sur 3 ans. Entrepreneuriat et Management de l'Innovation - M2 EMI of IAE Lille, Ecole Universitaire de Management - Université de Lille ranked n°100 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking By means of anonymized data of website users we can optimize the user flow. This teaching aims to build the following skills: - Identify all communication channels (media, non-media) and their issues, - Determine communication targets and expected effects, - Diagnose the overall communication strategy of an organization, - Propose a global communication strategy for the development of the organization based on the conclusions of the diagnosis, - Define the implementation modalities of this strategy and in particular the planning and the mobilization of the different channels to reach the privileged targets, - Evaluate the effectiveness of its communication strategy, - Understand the specificities of digital communication, - Being able to define a communication strategy based on web tools (website, social networks, etc.). IAE Lille − University School of Management; Institut de formation de musiciens intervenant en milieu scolaire; Institut de préparation à l'administration générale; Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’éducation de l’académie de Lille – Hauts-de-France (INSPÉ Lille … This teaching makes it possible to discover the work of research and to appropriate the methodology of the research. La filière STAPS (Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives), longtemps adjointe à la seule carrière de professeur d'EPS, s'est très largement diversifiée pour s'ouvrir à la recherche ou au management. The UPEM Master of Sport Management has three main advantages: - the possibility of taking apprenticeship training with CFA Descartes. Introduction With the help of Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the Graduate School of Journalism of Lille (ESJ Lille) and the Administration Institute of Lille companies (IAE Lille) offer them 2 International Master in Media Management … This involves analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. Lille STAPS. A dynamic and innovative education including lectures, case studies, project management, business situations will develop concrete skills needed in international management. The training opens up opportunities for students in jobs related to sports management in the public sector, associations or commercial spheres. Resting along the Deule River is Lille, the principal city of the Lille Métropole in the French Flanders. Innovation is a factor of competitiveness of companies. This course will consist of three parts: the first part will be dedicated to the state of the sports heritage and their conditions of homologation in accordance with the law on sport of 1992. This teaching should allow students to become familiar with the management of an existing website. Les objectifs de cette Licence sont de former des étudiants spécialisés dans le domaine du sport … The UFR's courses in humanities, languages and humanities are divided into eight departments: The Department of Germanic Studies offers a bachelor's degree in German Language and Literature, a master's degree in German, and a master's … This methodology must be based both on qualitative and quantitative methods and lead to the production of input grids, observation books and survey questionnaires. STAPS lille 2 Licence 3 management management du sport. Based on the managerial literature and in social psychology, this course exposes the key concepts and notions that make it possible to understand the working dynamics of the work teams by noting the interweaving of the different roles of the operational manager. The training is given in the aternance and is mainly addressed to students having a hiring prelude for an apprenticeship / professionalization contract. This course aims to apprehend the conceptual springs that enrich the mastery of team management tools. - aux étudiant-e-s inscrits en 2017/2018 dans les établissements ex Lille1, ex Lille2, ex Lille3. In the second part of the course, it will be addressed the safety of equipment classified ERP (Equipment Receiving Public) under the Code of Urbanism and the Code of Construction and Housing (classification, security controls and quality standards). The use of Mahara available on the UPEM ealearning platform facilitates the relationship between teaching and the demonstration of skills. Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories Jay H. Withgott, … We are committed to providing an excellent and well-rounded teaching … - Design posters, flyers, banners, logo, etc. In coordination with the teaching of initiation to research, this teaching aims to develop a coherent survey protocol to answer a research problem. You can redraw your consent to using these cookies at any time. In addition, ISA Lille is dedicated to giving students a well-rounded and international experience. •To be eligible for admission in second year of master’s degree International Management you must hold a four-year degree or equivalent (240 ECTS credits: 4-year bachelor; 3-year bachelor plus 1 year of master’s degree or an equivalent academic level). The student must develop skills to be able to develop a quality approach within his company to improve the performance of his activity. College Physics Raymond A. Serway, Chris Vuille. - an educational team composed of many professionals. This course aims to give students sports law skills both at the French and international levels. Beyond that, it is necessary to appropriate a data visualization software (Tableau®) to enable them to produce interactive dashboards. Study … ISA Lille offers a Master of Science and Engineering specializing in Environmental Science, focusing on Sustainable Management of Pollution (SMaP). - Identify the specificities of the national collective agreement on sport: employment contracts, salary scale, working time modulation, etc. This course aims to understand the issues and methodology of a quality approach. This course aims to give students a knowledge of the sociology of organizations so that they become aware of the mechanisms at work in organizations and develop the keys to understanding the power relations that structure the relationships of the actors. It must enable students to report on the construction of skills and participate directly in validating the skills of the training. Vous trouverez toutes les informations sur les établissements et les formations comme le programme, le rythme ou encore les débouchés, mais aussi tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour vous inscrire au Master STAPS … For the treatment of questionnaires, specific work on the Modalisa analysis software must make it possible to perform statistical analyzes. The objective is to be able to read and co-produce an accounting balance sheet in order to make a diagnosis of the company's situation and recommendations. The group is composed of … The training develops skills in the field of management in connection with the sports sector in the field of communication, marketing, human resources management, sports events, finance, law. Sélection sur dossier et entretien. This course is based on the gestino of a CMS such as Wordpress or Joomla. This course allows you to tackle different issues specific to major international sporting events. Outre l’offre de formations importantes, la ville est une ville attractive … Professional integration is greatly facilitated by the apprenticeship contract, which allows for quick integration with attractive employment conditions. Welcome to the official website of the master "Management of European Affairs" at Lille University, France. The training aims at training polyvalent executives to work in the management of the sport. Finally, a third part will deal with administrative procedures and equipment management methods (contract award procedure, control of investment and operating costs). This video is unavailable. Request Information Master's Degrees in Management Studies in Lille … It allows to build a base of competence that allows students to specialize in business based on the specificity of the position they occupy as part of their apprenticeship contract or internship. - aux personnels disposant d'un compte ex Lille1, ex Lille2, ex Lille3. Renseignez-vous ci-dessous sur l'établissement à Calais qui mène à ce diplôme. Université de Lille (siège) De nombreuses formations sont ainsi proposées à l'université. La formation s'appuie sur un réseau d'entreprises partenaires qui accueillent nos étudiants en apprentissage. This enables us to improve ads and website content. Début de la formation : Rentrée mi-septembre, Plein temps en entreprise d'avril à septembre. - Know how to make a diagnosis about the resources of an organization, - Identify in a context the opportunities and threats that affect the organization, - Propose a global vision for the development of the organization based on the conclusions of the diagnosis, - Mobilize the levers of marketing-mix (product, price, distribution, promotion), - Build the customer relationship: relationship marketing, loyalty, - Identify the specificities of sports marketing, - Understand the principles and challenges of CSR, - Transpose this field in different work situations in the sports sector, - Understanding the problems of discrimination at work, - Being able to solve critical situations in the professional world, - Adapt to environmental, economic and human constraints. Those have two functions: On the one hand they are providing basic functionality for this website. They must eventually be able to feed a site in multimedia content, format content in compliance with the operation of the site, adjust the structure of the site for communicatino needs of their company. Ouvert aux titulaires d'un diplôme de Licence ou titre équivalent. Master 2 Management Social et Territorial - MT IAE Lille, Ecole Universitaire de Management - Université de Lille, ranked n°41 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking This optional option is intended for students who have no knowledge of accounting and finance in order to make a catch-up on the basics necessary to follow compulsory education like the others. It is a question of optimizing the available resources to reach the objective fixed with efficiency and especially efficiency. Students with different initial training but significant experience in the field of sport can also join the training. L’Éducation Physique et Sportive, mieux connue sous l’acronyme EPS, est institué au rang de formation à part entière, avec pour objectif d’offrir aux étudiants un cursus complet pour développer leur… - co-accreditation with IAE Gustave Eiffel to reinforce the quality of training. These cookies are needed for a smooth operation of our website. It can be of very different nature going from the business game to the participatino to a great international sports event according to the opportunities. For the advanced group, however, emphasis will be placed on face-to-face oral production, via role plays and short presentations on topics of interest to professional life or topics related to the topics covered in the TOEIC exams. Un job dating est notammentorganisé avec Décathlon et Well Ness Training. An introduction to research helps to compile training and develop a critical view of knowledge. La licence ouvre aussi de nombreuses perspectives d’étude comme le master Management des organisations et des services sportifs. MASTER STAPS MENTION « MANAGEMENT DU SPORT » PARCOURS « MANAGEMENT ET GESTION DES ORGANISATIONS SPORTIVE-S ET DE LOISIRS OBJECTIFS DE LA FORMATION CONTE-NU DE LA ... Ecole en partenariat avec I'lJniversité de Lille … Signaler ce profil; À propos. This teaching combines on the one hand the organization of a particular communicatino action to pomote the event and also to program a act of communciation / training by soliciting personalities from the sporting world to share knowledge and experiences. De la Licence 1 au Master en passant par les DEUST ou les Diplômes Universitaires et les 5 parcours de la filière STAPS, retrouvez l’ensemble de l’offre de formation partout en France